Email Settings

By default, Codeberg will send notifications to your registered email addresses.


This section only concerns your Codeberg account and will not affect the commits you do not make on the website. If you don't know how to configure your name and email in Git, take a look at the "Configuring Git" guide.

Configuring all notifications

To change your notification preferences, go to your Account Settings or manually navigate to the settings page.

You can access it by clicking on the menu button “Profile and Settings...” in the top-right corner of Codeberg. From this dropdown, click on Settings, then click on the Account tab.

In the section “Manage Email Addresses”, you can select one of the following options from the drop-down menu for each email address that you have registered with Codeberg:

Option Effect
Enable Email Notifications Enables all notifications (default setting)
Only Email on Mention Codeberg will only send an email to this address if your username is mentioned in an issue or a comment
Disable Email Notifications Codeberg will not send any emails to this address

When you're finished, press the button “Set Email Preference” to confirm your selection.


Disabling email notifications doesn't mean that you'll stop receiving important messages from the Codeberg organization.

Issue notifications

As soon as you make a comment on an issue, you automatically subscribe to it. Unless you disabled email notifications for all your email addresses, you will get an email for every change and comment on that issue.

You can check and modify your issue subscription status under the “Notifications” section on the menu on the right side of the issue screen.

Watching repositories

When you watch a repository (by clicking on the “Watch” button in a repository), you will receive emails for every change (creation of issues, pull requests, comments, etc.) done in this repository.

To stop watching a repository, simply click on “Unwatch” in a repository.

To list all of your watched repositories, click here. Alternatively you can click the menu button “Profile and Settings...” in the top-right corner of Codeberg and click on "Subscriptions" in the dropdown.

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